Hello there people, Been a while.
So I'm an incredibly lazy person and was planning on doing some big douchey write up about my London meet shenanigans but pretty much realised No-one gives that much of a toss so I'm going to steal Tim's idea and just do little reviews of everyone I can remember.
London meet
I only typed first names if Your user was ridiculously hard for my tiny brain to comprehen- ok I'm just lazy.
You are a very interesting guy, thanks for sticking with me when the big black doormen wouldn't let me in anywhere, it was great getting to know you and all your flash work and stuff, Playing pendulum full pelt at 3am was also great fun.
Mogly Tom
Good pals we were, we shared the same interests and I had lots of cool times with you from timing our walk down to Buckingham palace to watching silly 90's intros with you on youtube.
Haha, You scared the crap out of me with that kick bottle, And to say the least we should not pursue careers in microsoft technical support. It was cool hanging around with someone with such an awesome accent. We had fun. and don't worry I won't be sticking condoms up my nose any time soon.
You knew me, holy hell someone knew me. It was fun meeting you and watching you run blindly across streets filled with taxis to get the decent tourist photo, I promise next time I won't pose like a complete bellend at the guards.
Dave you wonderful man, thanks for being my tour guide around the flat, around Russell square and in general being really helpful with everything. You're good at telling stories and very charismatic, use it to your advantage. Nice tats by the way. You beat the shit out of me when it came to eating at the greasy spoon.
You met the guy who made bunny suicides! You lucky son of a... It was cool meeting you, Remind me to talk more next time. Must be cool with you and James being buds, Wish my friends were as into NG as you guys are.
Leo the lion indeed, You were swell to talk to. Your shirt made me giggle, one of the many who proved mods aren't douchebags! The leaving photo we got was a hell of a memory. Hope to chat again soon.
Jesus I've never met someone so lively, You're a hell of a crazy guy Bez, Your camera was always snappy snappy and you knew what you was talking about. And you could dance anyone under the table. I think you looked crazier with the fro. :P
Thanks for lending us the Fed to cover my god awful hair, It was nice to see a friendly face when I came out of Russell square. All your ideas seem so imaginative and lively. and yeah your snake voice was better then Ego's. Seriously though when I was looking in the fridge and I heard your peter voice, I literally thought the fat man himself had walked into the room!
One of the guys I enjoyed meeting by knowing his work for ages. I'll always love akira the dons hypocrite. Hope you got something awesome with all those tickets. Goggles are completely and utterly insane to wear everywhere, I wish I'd thought of it first. :D
You're a nice guy, We had some fun being crap at deal or no deal and talking in the cafe. Soz I didn't get a proper bye in, Us young uns all got split so quick. see ya' next time!
Dean you crazy drunk, You are a great influence on people with all your nose condom ideas, Try to show up sober next time haha. You're a walking party man!
We didn't talk enough, what were we doing, we're stupid boys, you seemed like a decent guy, I'm sure well actually speak to each other next time.
So much drink and so little time, When you tried to play rockband and did the singing, drumming and gutiar all at once... Jesus man you're a hell of a crazy guy. You and Keith remind me of Laurel and Hardy, Another Awesome mod. Rock on!
Harry (the one who is happy)
You were a hella' cool guy, Your flash is awesome and your a great guy out and about! Wish I had more friends as fun as you. See ya' in Jan for round 2!
The super flash dudes Tom 'n' Dim
Why did I not talk to you guys enough. form what I saw your both very nice guys and Tom we'd be nowhere without your organisation and knowledge of London, Soz the only thing I said was a buy at the end. Dim, Dammit I finally said Hi and some other kid dragged me away to talk to me about some crap. I've always admired both of your works, I'll talk mor enext time round!
We suck at house of the dead. You were a very 'laxed guy and cool to talk to, remind me to share more words with you aswell next meet, we seemed to have a bit in common. When we all got cut off at the tube it felt to early. ;-(
Your accent was so cool, Slovenian gives men the power of a sexy voice.... I man uh yeah you never told me you made the classroom! it was like halfway through until I knew and felt like a giddy schoolgirl! We weren't strict enough at the hallway club, we will force people to stay up longer next time, Also my carmine figure says hi to marcus.
You left so early, we didn't get enough chance to chit chat and for me to be awful at video games with you. You were a hell of a nice and witty guy. Hope to see you at the next meet!
You're to god dam good at rockband! It's not legal to be that good, Totally awesome guy, you and Harry made a funny couple, Like two old ladies haha. Another super mod. You're doing it wrong! :D
Waffles... Belgian or potato. Great talking to someone else from general about NG in the cafe. You are a super guy to chat to and know your way around the BBS. Till we meet again old chum. :D
Your Luis day flash was awesome. Why did you walk out the room :D. We didn't exchange to many words but I got the gist that you're a funny guy. We shall meet again!
Irish accents are kewl. You never did explain what that meet the author thing was all about. For the few words that we swapped, I gathered you were a nice guy. I'll make sure to speak more if you tally ho over from Ireland next time round.
Thanks Tons Lu for letting us have this great experience, you truly are the NG user of the year. Can't wait until the next NG meet... and the one after... and the on after that! We will talk more next time I promise. You are a swell guy! Thanks again!
I think that's pretty much everyone, If I forgot you I'm sorry, I did this all very quick and tried not to miss of anyone.
Till I see all you boys again (And maybe some ladies next year)! Rock and fukin' roll!
Luis' big collection 'O' Photos.
Stolen from luis:
Top row: EviLDoG, Wonchop, HappyHarry87, BananaBreadMuffin, AsthmaticHamster, Kirk-Cocaine, ChromeShark, TheHappySheep
Middle row: Luis, the-EXP, Morbid-Giggle, Oney, Jtm17, WilliWowza, Shalashaska-1, sirtom93
Bottom row: TimFrommeyer, Bezman, Scuzzfest, JPI, AlmightyHans, MrAnarchy and a random old woman who we'll call WadeFulp